Current mood: contemplative
Sometimes it seems as if moving on is the hardest thing on earth to do. An thatz because it IS one of the hardest things on earth to do. You feel that it just can't be ova, this doesn't feel right. You know that If you hold on he'll come back. Right? He alwayz does..... No not this time. Its different. What's wrong with Me? You feel unwanted. Unloved. The person who made you feel like the most beautiful person in the world doesn't feel the same about you anymore. So now itz time to move on. You keep asking yourself is it too soon to move on? What if I move on an then after a week he decides that we should get back together. You find yourself writing tons an tons of emails an digital letters an messages with words that describe your deepest thoughts an emotions to him just for them to remain in your draft box, idly, never to be read. Not by him, not by the world, not by anyone, Yet. Actually you look at it an see that its pretty good. Some of your most poetic thoughts ever. And you can see the transformations in your writings. Before you even realize it....you discover that you've already begin to move on.Thatz when you begin to fight it. You don't want it to be ova, but you can't fight the feelings, you just don't feel the same anymore. If you were to get back together it just wouldn't be the same anymore. You feel like you don't know him anymore. Someone that you could always read better than yourself has now become a complete stranger to you. An it hurts so bad because this is usually the part where you suddenly see the light on all his flaws an all tha flaws of the relationship. But no not this one. This one was real. It was real love. All you can think about is what went wrong. Where did it go wrong? You can't really remember anymore. Its all just really hopeless to bring up those painful thoughts anyways. So instead you set your mind on all tha good times you had. Now that you do think about it you guys could get back together an it really would work, just not rite now. Not any time soon. Before you know it your sitting there with that new guy. Your kinda feeling his vibe. He reminds you of your ex. You look up with a small, simple, little smile or your face. There's no point in fighting it anymore. Even tho you always think of him. Even tho you sub-consciously compare every other guy that wants to approach you to him. Even tho you could tell him with just as much conviction as before, today, that you love him and mean it from the heart. Even tho you believe it in your soul that God created you both for the soul purpose that your paths would cross. Even tho you know that tomorrow is not promised but if you died today you could die with knowing the fact you learned true love, that someone in this crucial world loved you as much as you loved them an accepted every part of you. Even though you realize that you will never love anyone the same. You've realized that change is inevitable. An you have ultimately undeniably an unquestionably moved on.